Creating Safe Tomorrows

July was incredibly engaging for Redeeming Zoe Cebu, filled with back-to-back training, an island outreach, and a significant conference. The energy and dedication of everyone involved made each event successful and rewarding. From equipping individuals with new skills during the training to making a tangible impact during our island outreach, every moment was a testament to our commitment and hard work.


  • For the first time, our RZ team and 28 volunteers went to the remote island of Dinagat, Mindanao, to do a 3-day child protection training. 484 children joined. The team handed out hygiene kits and underwear for the children. One meal was also served to the children for 3 days. One mother shared it’s the first time her children will each have a toothbrush and underwear of their own because they normally just share with other siblings. The community is so grateful and they are now better equipped to protect their children from abuse and exploitation.

  • A church partner from the neighboring City invited us to speak to their youth camp. 103 teens were educated about the importance of internet safety use and the dangers of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (OSAEC) among children. Sexting (sending nude photos) is a common concern among teenagers here. The RZ team was able to talk about the dangers of doing that among peers and what to do if it happens to them. It was fun, energetic, and insightful for the teenagers and we are grateful it all went well.

  • The same partner invited us again to minister to 59 children and 15 mothers about our summary booklet of “I can be strong smart and safe”. The children were so active and engaged and their favorite part was the hygiene kits handed out to them. We are so grateful we get to give out the most basic tools they could use to keep their body clean.

  • Here in the Philippines, schools are gearing up for a new school year and with that, our RZ team was invited to do a child protection training at a private school where 15 teachers were trained and equipped about child protection policy and recognizing the signs of abuse. The RZ team also discussed ways how to handle sensitive disclosure from children and where to report when abuse is happening.

  • Two of our staff attended the ASIA REGION ANTI-TRAFFICKING conference in Indonesia and they have learned so much and built meaningful connections through the conference.


  • Child protection training in Mindanao

  • Partnership with local organizations

  • Program updates


  • Please pray for the upcoming gala


Protecting Children and Strengthening Communities with Redeeming Zoe


“I know God sees me”