our mission is in the name
We are working to take back the Zoe life, the God kind of life.
how we got started…
In 2014, our founders, Hillary and Becca, met a beautiful little girl named Zoe**. When they first met Zoe, she was eleven and had lived her whole life in a small fishing village in the Philippines.
One day, her mom brought her to an orphanage where our founders were working at the time. She asked for Zoe to be taken in because she had previously been selling her to a neighbor to feed their family. Zoe’s mom felt that the orphanage was the best option for her daughter moving forward.
Zoe had been sold, abused, mistreated, and abandoned. There was little hope for her future and her life was not valued by her own family.
Our founders knew then, that this mother needed more than an orphanage to help her. She needed hope to take on the role that God had given her the moment she became a mother. Out of this story, birthed the vision of Redeeming Zoe.
In December 2016, Redeeming Zoe went public and the vision of strengthening families and keeping children safe from abuse began. We are passionate about seeing communities united, families strengthened through hope in Jesus Christ, and children empowered to stand up against all forms of abuse.
**named changed for identity purposes
That they may be called oaks
of righteousness,
planting of the Lord, that
may be glorified.
Isaiah 61:3